Threws Community

  1. Threws communities are a network of professionals, researchers, and practitioners from various domains and disciplines focused on advancing research, innovation, and knowledge exchange.
  2. Each community is dedicated to promoting collaboration, sharing best practices, and addressing challenges in their respective fields. From artificial intelligence to environmental science, healthcare to social science, and beyond, Threws communities provide a platform for experts to connect, learn, and collaborate on cutting-edge research and innovation.
  3. By bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise, Threws communities aim to drive progress and create solutions to complex global challenges.

AI Community

  • A community of researchers and practitioners focused on advancing research and innovation in the field of artificial intelligence.
  • The Threws AI Community is a group of researchers and practitioners who are dedicated to promoting and advancing research and innovation in the field of artificial intelligence (AI).
  • This community is focused on developing new AI technologies, as well as exploring the potential applications of AI in various domains, such as healthcare, finance, transportation, and more.
  • Members of this community collaborate on research projects, share knowledge and resources, and participate in events and conferences related to AI.
  • The community also aims to provide opportunities for professional development and networking for its members.

Head of AI Community : Srinivas Konduri

                                           Research Scientist, Threws

Machine Learning

  • A community of researchers and practitioners focused on advancing research and innovation in the field of machine learning.
  • Threws ML Community is a community of researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts who are interested in advancing research and innovation in the field of machine learning (ML).
  • The community brings together experts from academia, industry, and government to share knowledge and best practices, collaborate on research projects, and promote the development and adoption of new ML techniques and tools.
  • Members of the Threws ML Community may participate in events such as workshops, seminars, and conferences, as well as engage in online discussions, network with other members, and access resources such as research papers and datasets.


Head of ML Community :

Himanshu Jain

Software Engineer at Meta

IoT Community

  • A community of researchers and practitioners focused on advancing research and innovation in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT).
  • Threws IoT (Internet of Things) Community is a group of researchers and practitioners who are interested in advancing research and innovation related to the Internet of Things.
  • This community focuses on the development and deployment of IoT technologies, including sensors, devices, and networks, and how these technologies can be used to improve various aspects of daily life, such as transportation, healthcare, and environmental monitoring.
  • Members of this community may include researchers, developers, engineers, policymakers, and industry professionals who work in IoT-related fields.
  • The community provides a platform for members to share knowledge, collaborate on projects, and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in IoT technology.


IoT Team Head (May 2023-24):

Rashmi Gera

IoT Researcher

Threws, India

Data Science

  • A community of researchers and practitioners focused on advancing research and innovation in the field of data science.
  • The Threws Data Science Community is a group of researchers and practitioners focused on advancing research and innovation in the field of data science.
  • The community aims to promote collaboration and knowledge exchange among researchers and professionals in this field, and to provide resources and opportunities for professional development.
  • Members of the community may have backgrounds in computer science, statistics, mathematics, and other related fields, and may work in a variety of industries such as healthcare, finance, and technology.
  • They may be involved in developing algorithms and models, analyzing and interpreting data, and building data-driven solutions to real-world problems.
  • Overall, the Threws Data Science Community aims to support the growth and advancement of data science as a field, and to drive innovation and impact through the use of data.


President : Updated Soon

Tech community

  • Threws Tech Community is a group of researchers, professionals, and enthusiasts who are passionate about technology and its applications.
  • The community aims to advance knowledge and innovation in various areas of technology, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, internet of things, data science, quantum computing, cloud computing, and big data.
  • Through regular discussions, events, and collaborations, Threws Tech Community fosters interdisciplinary learning and networking opportunities for individuals and organizations interested in the latest trends and developments in technology.
  • Joining Threws Tech Community is a great way to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in the field and to connect with like-minded individuals and organizations.


Chairperson(May 2023-24) :-

Soumya Barman

Senior Architect 

McKinsey & Company,USA

Quantum computing Community


  • A community of researchers and practitioners focused on advancing research and innovation in the field of quantum computing.
  • Threws Quantum Computing Community is a community of researchers and professionals focused on advancing research and innovation in the field of quantum computing.
  • Quantum computing is a rapidly growing field that has the potential to revolutionize computing and information processing.
  • The community is aimed at promoting collaboration, knowledge sharing, and professional development opportunities among researchers and practitioners in the field.
  • Members of the community may include scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and computer professionals who are interested in quantum computing and its applications. They may participate in events, discussions, and collaborations related to quantum computing research, development, and applications.


President: Updated Soon


Material Science  community

  • A community of researchers and practitioners focused on advancing research and innovation in the field of materials science.
  • Threws Materials Science Community is a community of researchers and professionals interested in the field of Materials Science.
  • It aims to promote knowledge exchange and collaboration among researchers, academics, and industry professionals working on various aspects of Materials Science, including the design, synthesis, characterization, and applications of materials in various fields such as electronics, energy, healthcare, and transportation.
  • The community also focuses on promoting the development of new materials and technologies that can contribute to solving global challenges such as climate change, resource depletion, and environmental degradation.
  • Members of the community can benefit from access to research and professional development opportunities, networking events, and collaboration platforms that can help them advance their careers and contribute to the growth of the field.


President : Updated Soon

Healthcare Community
  • A community of researchers and practitioners focused on advancing research and innovation in the field of healthcare.
  • Threws Healthcare Community is a community of researchers and practitioners dedicated to advancing research and innovation in the field of healthcare.
  • The community brings together professionals from different disciplines and domains to collaborate, share knowledge, and promote best practices in healthcare research.
  • Members of this community may include researchers, clinicians, healthcare administrators, policy makers, and industry professionals.
  • The focus of the community may include topics such as healthcare technologies, healthcare policy and systems, public health, patient outcomes, and healthcare management.

Healthcare Community Chair (May, 2023-24) :-

Mohan Krishna Mangamuri

Senior Application Architect

HCSC Chicago , USA

Environmental Science Community

  • A community of researchers and practitioners focused on advancing research and innovation in the field of environmental science.
  • Threws Environmental Science Community would be a community of researchers and practitioners who are dedicated to studying the environment and its various aspects, such as climate change, pollution, biodiversity, sustainability, and conservation.
  • Members of this community would be committed to advancing scientific knowledge and developing innovative solutions to environmental challenges, such as finding ways to reduce carbon emissions, preserving endangered species, protecting natural resources, and promoting sustainable practices.
  • This community could also foster collaborations across different disciplines and encourage knowledge sharing among its members to promote a better understanding of the environment and its impact on human society.

President: Updated Soon

Social Science Community

  • A community of researchers and practitioners focused on advancing research and innovation in the field of social science.
  • The Threws Social Science Community could be a community of researchers and practitioners from various disciplines within the social sciences, such as sociology, anthropology, political science, economics, psychology, and more.
  • This community could focus on advancing research and innovation in areas such as social justice, inequality, human behavior, cultural studies, and other social issues.
  • The community could provide a platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and networking among researchers and practitioners in the field, and could also organize conferences, workshops, and other events to promote professional development and engagement in the community.


President : Updated Soon

Cloud Computing Community

  • This community could be focused on topics such as cloud architecture, cloud security, cloud infrastructure, and cloud deployment. Members could share their experiences and best practices, discuss emerging trends and technologies, and collaborate on projects related to cloud computing.
  • Threws Cloud Computing Community is a community of researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts who are interested in advancing research and innovation in the field of cloud computing.
  • This community aims to promote knowledge sharing, collaboration, and professional development opportunities for individuals interested in this field.
  • Cloud computing is a technology that involves the delivery of computing services, including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence, over the internet.
  • Cloud computing offers numerous benefits, including flexibility, scalability, cost-effectiveness, and accessibility.
  • The Threws Cloud Computing Community is focused on exploring and advancing the applications and potential of this technology in various domains and industries.

Chairpersons(May 2023-24) :-


1)Kiran Jiwargi

Systems Engineer

Dell Technologies.,USA


2)Venkata Naga Satya Surendra Chimakurthi

DevOps Manager 

NextNav Inc, USA


Big Data Community

  • This community could be focused on topics such as data mining, data warehousing, business intelligence, and analytics. Members could discuss the latest developments in big data technologies and techniques, share their experiences with data-driven decision making, and collaborate on projects related to big data.
  • Threws Big Data Community is a community of researchers and practitioners focused on advancing research and innovation in the field of big data.
  • This community aims to bring together experts from different domains and disciplines who work with big data to promote collaboration, knowledge exchange, and professional development opportunities.
  • Members of this community may include data scientists, data analysts, big data engineers, statisticians, machine learning experts, and other professionals who work with large and complex data sets.
  • The community may organize workshops, conferences, and seminars to share the latest developments in big data research, discuss best practices and emerging trends, and provide networking opportunities for members.


President:  Updated Soon

Sustainable Development Community

  • Threws Sustainable Development Community is a community of researchers, practitioners, and advocates who are committed to promoting sustainable development practices across various domains and disciplines.

  • The community aims to bring together individuals and organizations working towards sustainable development, facilitate knowledge exchange and collaboration, and promote innovative solutions for global sustainability challenges.

  • Members of this community may include experts in areas such as renewable energy, climate change mitigation and adaptation, environmental conservation, sustainable agriculture, green technologies, and social sustainability.

  • Through networking events, webinars, workshops, and other initiatives, the Threws Sustainable Development Community seeks to advance sustainable development goals and support a more sustainable future for all.


President: Updated soon