
Proofreading Services

Original price was: Rs.99,999.00.Current price is: Rs.40,000.00.

Proof-Reading services provides professional academic proofreading services and English language editing exclusively for professors, lecturers, post-doctoral researchers, research students and business customers. Our aim is to meet the growing demand for English-language services from academics and business people around the world. We are a dedicated provider of academic proofreading services and English language editing for the authors of PhD theses, dissertations, research papers, journal articles, books, essays and other professional documents, such as research proposals, in the Sciences, the Social Sciences and the Humanities.

Our very competitive prices are set at a fixed rate per thousand words, and the price remains the same irrespective of the complexity of the work or the amount of corrections required.

We have helped many senior academics including professors and researchers by proofreading their written work before it was accepted for publication. Without proofreading, the work would not have been accepted. In many cases, customers have contacted us to proofread their work because it was rejected on the first submission due to too many errors of English spelling and grammar. In most of these cases, the document was accepted for publication after proofreading.

Our dedicated team of journal editors and proofreaders will give you more confidence in the work that you submit with our journal editing and proofreading services. The author instructions provided by academic and scientific journals must be followed with precision when preparing a scholarly article for publication or the paper may be rejected without serious consideration of its content; the same problem can arise if an article written in the English language contains too many grammar, spelling and punctuation errors. Our academic and scientific journal editors and proofreaders can help you to ensure that this does not happen to your articles by resolving any problems with your language, adjusting your formatting and references to conform consistently to journal requirements and correcting simple typing errors.



Our professional PhD thesis and dissertation proofreading services can help you to eliminate this risk by carefully checking the accuracy and consistency of your writing and formatting, correcting errors where necessary and suggesting possible improvements. Years of planning, research, discussion, writing and editing (not to mention tuition) are invested in the PhD thesis or dissertation that is usually required to earn a doctoral degree at universities, yet a PhD student can risk failure after all that hard work if the university or department guidelines have not been followed or the thesis contains too many grammar, spelling and punctuation errors.




Your document is proofread using the ‘track changes’ function of Microsoft Word. This is a standard function installed in most versions of Microsoft Word. This function allows you to move easily between changes and accept any or all of the modifications proposed by the proofreader. Corrections, suggestions and comments are shown in the right-hand margin and are easy to accept into your document.



How our Services Work

We cover all academic areas with a bank of proofreaders who have expertise in a wide range of academic disciplines. is very selective when hiring proofreaders. We do not employ faceless contract proofreaders; at threws we personally select our proofreaders, and each is highly respected in the proofreading field. All of our proofreaders are native English speakers, educated at least to Masters level (some hold a PhD) with extensive university teaching and examining experience.

Apart from demonstrating their qualifications and experience, all of our proofreaders have to pass a tough entry assessment. We also monitor the work of our proofreaders on a regular basis. The advantage of our academic proofreading services and over other proofreading services and individual proofreaders is that our proofreaders are fully approved and trusted. We guarantee an effective service and offer you 100% satisfaction. If you are unhappy with any aspect of our service we will refund your money or proofread your document again gratis.

The information provided to us is held in absolute confidence and privacy. We guarantee never to give away your personal information, including your name, to any third party. Additionally, we go the extra mile to ensure that our IT equipment incorporates the latest security devices and software including encryption.