Fellow Member Threws Senior Architect at McKinsey & Company, USA

Fellow Member Threws Senior Architect at McKinsey & Company, USA

Soumya Barman is a customer-focused technology leader with a strong engineering background. With over 18 years of consulting and technology experience, he has successfully tackled complex technology challenges for clients across five different continents. Soumya’s expertise spans a wide range of tools and technology platforms, supported by industry certifications and extensive training.

As a Senior Architect at McKinsey & Company, Soumya is currently engaged in helping Fortune 100 companies unlock the value of cloud technology. His areas of specialization include building innovative cloud solutions, designing and implementing data and analytics platforms, conducting cloud security assessments, and architecting microservices and service-oriented architectures. Additionally, Soumya excels in implementing API management platforms to enhance client operations.

With his deep understanding of cloud computing, data analytics, and security, Soumya Barman brings invaluable insights and strategic guidance to organizations seeking to leverage technology for competitive advantage. His customer-centric approach and ability to solve complex technology challenges make him a highly sought-after professional in the industry.



#CustomerFocused, #TechnologyLeader, #EngineeringBackground, #ConsultingExperience, #TechnologyPlatforms, #CloudSolutions, #DataAnalytics, #CloudSecurity, #Microservices, #ServiceOrientedArchitecture, #APIManagement, #SeniorArchitect, #McKinseyAndCompany, #SeattleUSA

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