Empowering Tech Enthusiasts: A Glimpse into Divit Gupta’s Visionary Journey

Welcome to the dynamic world of tech innovation guided by Divit Gupta, Director – Product Advocate at Oracle Corp USA. With a steadfast commitment to transforming the landscape of Cloud Computing, AI, and Data Science, Divit is not just an accomplished IT professional but also a visionary leader shaping the future of technology.

About Divit Gupta:

Divit Gupta, a Sr. Member of IEEE, envisions a future where over a million individuals worldwide are equipped with advanced expertise in analytics, machine learning, and AI. With a career spanning over two decades, Divit has earned recognition as a prominent speaker and thought leader in emerging technologies.

Podcasts and Media Presence:

Dive into the world of innovation with Divit through his popular podcasts – “Tech Talk with Divit,” “Live Labs with Divit,” and “Cloud Bites with Divit.” As Oracle TV’s correspondent for Cloud World and a recognized expert, he has presented on Oracle Database technology at Oracle Cloud World FY 2023. Moreover, Divit is the author of acclaimed technology books such as ‘The Cloud Computing Journey,’ ‘The Potential of Generative AI,’ and ‘DBA Essentials 21C.’

International Recognition:

Beyond podcasts and books, Divit is deeply passionate about knowledge-sharing. He actively participates in international conference talks, contributes to technical blogs and Whitepapers, showcasing his expertise in leading newspapers and technology magazines worldwide.

Expertise and Certifications:

A highly skilled technologist, Divit holds professional certifications from Microsoft, Oracle, AWS, Databricks, and has earned a post-graduate certificate from Harvard Business School Online.

Mission and Vision:

Divit’s mission extends beyond personal success. He believes in uplifting others and actively contributing to their pursuit of excellence. His overarching goal is to shape a future in the tech realm that is both skilled and inclusive.

Join Divit Gupta on his visionary journey as he continues to set benchmarks for tech proficiency and contributes significantly to the ever-evolving world of technology.

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